Academy Admissions
September Reception place admissions to Bannerman Road Community Academy and Children's Centre are coordinated through Bristol City Council. The closing date for admissions is the January preceding the September intake.
Parents will need to apply for a place in the Reception class of the Academy directly on the council's website below. Where the number of applications is greater than the published admission number the over-subscription criteria will be applied.
Our admission number for September 2024 is 60
Our admission number for September 2025 is 60
The first round of primary admissions for Reception classes in September 2023 has now closed. The second round of primary admissions has now closed.
In order to apply for a Reception place at the school for 2024/2025 you will need to contact the school office and asked to be put on the waiting list. We will not know until mid-September if there are any places available. Students on the waiting list will have the same criteria applied as the over subscription criteria.
Where the number of applications is greater than the published admission number the oversubscription criteria will be applied.
Allocations of places are made in the following order:
1. Children in Care or children who were previously in Care, including those children who appear to have have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be as a result of being adopted.
2. Those children with siblings of statutory school age already at Bannerman Road Community Academy and who will still be on roll in the September
3. Those children living closest to Bannerman Road Community Academy as measured in a direct line from the home address to the school.
In Year admissions are managed by the school.
In Year admissions should be made on the in year applicaton form at the bottom of this webpage. You will be notified of the admission decision within 15 school days.
If we are not able to offer your child a place, you have a right to appeal and information will be provided in the letter of acknowledgement. A request for an in year appeal can be found at the end of this webpage.
Applications to places in the school during the academic year can also be made directly at the school. Please contact the school either by email, phone or in person to the school office.
Applications for our Willow Class (3-4 year olds) are completed directly at the school. Please see the school office for a form and apply directly to the school. Your child must be three years of age on either 31st August to start in the September, or on the 31st December to start in the January providing there are spaces.
Applications to move onto Year 7 in secondary school are completed through Bristol City Council's website. The application deadline is usually at the end of October for all admissions the following September.
Further details can be found here:
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- Academy Admissions