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Bristol Parent Carers Training and Events
Bristol Parents and Carers forum run a number of training sessions and other events. All are free but most need to be booked in advance.
Drop in Parent/Carer Support Session, 1 Marshall Walk, Knowle, BS4 1TR. 10.30am to 12.30pm Thursday 6th July (no booking needed)
Please follow the following link to find out more and book training sessions that BPC are running in conjunction with North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Parent Carer Forums. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/bristol-n-somerset-and-s-glos-parent-carer-forums-41027867683
Training Sessions run by us just for those parents and carers who live in the Bristol City Council area can be found and booked here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/bristol-parent-carers-7809612275